About the Foundation

The PLC Foundation was established in 1990 to help develop modern learning and sports facilities at the College.

Funds donated have helped deliver many of the facilities students enjoy today, including the Junior School, the Learning Resource Centre, and the Performing Arts Centre.

Membership is open to everyone – parents, families, staff, Old Collegians and friends of the school.

Comprising alumnae, parents, grandparents, staff and friends, the PLC Foundation, through its Board of management and its many generous members, is passionately engaged in supporting the future of our students. By nurturing the vision for philanthropic giving at PLC, the group raises funds for major building projects and key initiatives for the school. Your commitment is vital as we nurture and prepare our students of today to become the empowered women of the future.

The PLC Foundation was created in 1990 to help fund capital works for the provision of modern teaching and sporting facilities girls needed and to remain at the forefront of girls’ education.

The Foundation’s initial aim was to raise $1.75 million over its first five years. Thanks to the generosity of the College community, this goal was achieved in the first year.

These funds were to be used to support the delivery of the College’s masterplan. This included a new performing arts centre to replace Wyselaskie Hall which was to be converted into a library and teaching facilities. An unfavourable economic climate meant these plans were placed on hold.

The funds were instead directed to the Aquatic Centre (1994), redevelopment of the Senior School’s northern wing, the Language Centre and the Doris Daniel Theatre (1998).

Continued community support has enabled the Foundation to fund a number of key projects across the College, including the construction of the new Junior School (2003), the Learning Resource Centre (2012) and the Performing Arts Centre (2017).

Today, the Foundation’s focus is attracting community support for the Sports, Aquatic and Fitness Centre, due to open in early 2025.

Download the PLC Foundation Constitution


Help Create a Brighter Future 

There are many opportunities for giving at PLC and ways in which you can make a difference to the lives of future generations of students. By joining the PLC Foundation, you are helping empower young women to make a difference in this world.

Join the PLC Foundation

Joining the PLC Foundation comprises tax deductible donations spread over time.  As a Member you will be officially recognised on the Foundation Honour List, in College publications and across the life of our community. You will also receive invitations to Foundation events throughout the year and opportunities to meet our Principal, Board and our many other members.

Donate to the PLC Foundation below.

For alternate payment methods, or to have a confidential discussion, please contact our Director of Advancement on (+613) 9805 7860 or email development@plc.vic.edu.au to discuss how you can make a difference to the future of girls at PLC. 


Foundation Board

Ms Diana Bevington - President
Mrs Fiona Hare - Vice President
Ms Mui-Chun Chew
Mrs Alice Condick
Mrs Janet Davies
Mr Clint Dawson
Mr Sonny De Silva
Mr Hao Lu
Dr Deborah Seifert
Ms Li-Leen Tan

Foundation Events 2024

Foundation members are invited to several events throughout the year. In 2024, these events include:

  • NGV Winter Masterpiece Tour - Sat 27 July
  • Go For Gold Winter Ball - 10 August 2024 BOOK NOW
  • Foundation IB & VCE Art Show Opening - 14 October 2024
  • Foundation Cocktail Party & AGM - 29 November 2024



Thank you to our Platinum Sponsor of the Montgomery Centre, ADCO Construction.


Volunteer Your Time 

Planning for the Go for Gold Winter Ball on 10 August 2024 is well underway and we are looking for volunteers to help make this an even greater success. Please contact the Director of Advancement on 9808 7860 or email development@plc.vic.edu.au if you can volunteer your time to support this upcoming event.